The occupational therapists working at Jan Kriel School render services to learners from Grade R to Grade 12. As a member of the multi-disciplinary team, the occupational therapist strives to adopt a holistic approach to therapy.
Occupational therapy is aimed at the treatment of learners with physical, developmental and/or learning disorders through: purposeful, graded activities; modification of equipment or methods and the development of pre-vocational skills to promote independence in activities of daily living in order to enable learners to participate in school activities (academic, sport and culture) and prepare them for life after school.

Grade R – 3

The need for therapy is determined by means of relevant assessments and, on the basis of this, learners are involved in therapeutic interventions that take place during individual, small group and class group therapy sessions.

The aim of occupational therapy is to promote the competence in functional performance areas such as self-care, academic performance and aspects of play relating to development and learning.

The following components are addressed during therapy:


Sensory-motor components: considering sensory processing and the effect it has on daily performances.


Components of postural control: considering the impact that muscle tone, strength, stability and co-ordination have on development and learning.


Motor skills: promoting the development of gross and fine motor skills needed to perform daily tasks.


Visual perception: promotion of the basic building blocks necessary for optimal understanding and learning.


Assistive devices: facilitation of independent and/or effective functioning.

Grade 4 – 6

In the Intermediate Phase learners receive therapy in small or class groups and/or individual therapy when required.. Therapy sessions are aimed at the development of visual perception, fine motor skills and sensory modulation.

Grade 7 – 12

Due to the large number of learners in the high school, the priorities for occupational therapy services become more selective.

Occupational therapy services in this section can include individual or group sessions aimed at the following:


Facilitation and support of the learning process by promoting executive functioning to enable the learner to access the curriculum and perform to his/her potential.


Adaptation of methods and/or apparatus to facilitate the participation and accommodation of physically disabled learners in academic and practical classes as well as other school activities.


Monitoring of optimal seating and positioning of wheelchair users in co-operation with the physiotherapists in order to prevent secondary complications.


Develop pre-vocational skills to ensure realistic future planning as well as preparation for entry into tertiary education and training facilities and/or the world of work for school leavers.


Monitoring of optimal seating and positioning of wheelchair users in co-operation with the physiotherapists in order to prevent secondary complications.


Occupational therapists are involved in coaching and organising sport for the physically disabled.

After grade 12:

Sporadic follow-up of former learners to support their suitable placement in tertiary education institutions, work environments and learnerships.

Student training:

Fourth year occupational therapy students from the University of Stellenbosch are placed at Jan Kriel School to complete part of their practical training under the supervision of the therapists employed by the school.