Application for admission:

The application process starts at the mainstream school where the learner is placed. It is initiated by the principal in collaboration with the Learning Support Educator and School Based Support Team (SBST) as well as the psychologist of the relevant Education District Office. They complete the SIAS documents and attach all available documentation (e.g., reports from educators, therapists, psychologists, physicians and other professional role players). Thereafter, the application for admission to Jan Kriel School is directed to and managed by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). No applications can be submitted directly to the school.

If the placement committee recommends that a placement candidate has been approved and a suitable place is available, arrangements are made for admission. If there is no place for the learner, the learner’s name is placed on a waiting list.

Learners are admitted on a provisional basis and placement is reconsidered at the end of each academic year.

In terms of the policy of the WCED, learners from other provinces may not be admitted to Jan Kriel School unless agreed to by the Directorate for Special Education.


When parents move from one residential area or province to another, a transfer for a learner from a similar ELSEN school can be arranged provided that there is an appropriate place in Jan Kriel School. The psychologist of the learner’s current school must send the his/her profile and other available information (indicating the learner’s specific needs and how to address it) send to the Metropole East Education District of the WCED for approval before being sent to Jan Kriel School. The District Office sends the official transfer documents to Jan Kriel School.

forms and policies:


Audrey Vermeulen

Telephone Number: +27 21 900-3264

Fax number: +27 21 903-1220

E-mail address:

(Available Monday – Thursday, 08:00 – 14:30)